Symptoms of depression that need immediate treatment

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  Depression is a psychiatric illness that threatens people around the world. The symptoms can be so severe that they may even think of committing suicide. Let’s check the symptoms and find out how to treat them.

 Major depressive disorder is the most common psychiatric illness. Patients are not crazy or bad people, but they have an emotional illness that requires treatment. If left untreated, patients may commit suicide. Statistics show that patients with depression end their lives by suicide 20 times more than the general population.

         In Thailand, the number of patients with depression is increasing and there are still many patients who do not see a doctor. Therefore, depression is an important issue that must be taken care of.

What is depression?

Depression is a type of mental illness that causes the patient to be sick in body, mind and thoughts. These symptoms affect daily life, making them feel unhappy and anxious. Therefore, they must be treated quickly by consulting a psychiatrist for depression.

Depression: What causes it?

Depression is a psychiatric disease caused by abnormalities in a chemical in the brain called serotonin, which decreases in quantity, causing patients to experience physical, mental, and mental illnesses, feeling depressed, lonely, bored, and not enjoying life, having insomnia, waking up in the middle of the night, and having frequent nightmares, which affects their ability to work. The

          causes of depression come from many factors, including genetics, mental development, and the environment they face, such as experiencing severe stress, facing storms in life, chronic illnesses that cause discouragement, experiencing losses in life, such as being separated from parents during childhood, losing a loved one, family, losing a job, financial problems, having to move house suddenly, or having unstable relationships with close people. If these events or feelings are encountered frequently, they may trigger depression.

In addition, biological factors, such as changes in the levels of certain brain chemicals, may also cause depression. In addition, genetic factors are also a factor in causing depression because this disease can be passed on genetically. However, it does not mean that if a relative has it, we will also have it because it depends on whether or not the above-mentioned factors trigger it. However, women tend to experience this condition more than men, up to 70%, ยูฟ่าเบท and it usually begins around the age of 32.

Depression, symptoms are like this

Symptoms of depression vary from person to person, but most will be like this:

          + Depressed mood (in children and adolescents, it may be irritable)

          + Significantly reduced interest or enjoyment in almost all activities

          + Significant loss or gain of weight (weight change of more than 5 percent per month) or loss of appetite or great appetite

          + Insomnia or excessive sleeping + Restlessness,

          restlessness, or slowness of movement

          + Fatigue, weakness

          + Feeling worthless

          + Decreased concentration, absent-mindedness, or indecision

          + Thinking about death or wanting to die

          * Must have at least 1 symptom in item 1 or 2

          * Must have symptoms for 2 weeks or more and must be present almost all the time, almost every day, not coming and going, disappearing for just a day or two and then coming back.  

          Patients with severe symptoms must be very careful because there is a very high chance of suicidal thoughts if something affects their mind even a little. Statistics show that more than 60 percent of those who commit suicide also have depression. However, it is

impossible to say how long after the illness these symptoms will occur, because in some people, they have been sick for 1-2 years before symptoms appear. But some people are sick and only know it after 6 months, so they can be cured.