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Category Archives: Beauty & Health

Is turkey good for high cholesterol?

Is turkey good for high cholesterol? Turkey is an excellent choice if you’re looking for a lean cut of meat. A 3-ounce meal of skinless white meat has 26 grams of protein, 2 grams of fat, and less than 1 gram of saturated fat. A

Zinc it’s health benefits and precautions for consumption

Zinc is a mineral that is essential for the growth of the health body and the functioning of the immune system. It helps build proteins that are components of skin, hair, and nails. However, the body cannot produce and store zinc for later use. Therefore,

What are the benefits of taking zinc and vitamin C?

Taking zinc and vitamin C in the right amounts not only helps to strengthen the immune system to work at its full potential, but also has a positive effect on other systems in the body. Zinc and vitamin C can generally be obtained from natural

When is the best time to eat avocado to get the most benefits

Avocado is a fruit that is called the butter fruit because it contains monounsaturated fatty acids, which are fatty acids that are good for health. It is also a fruit that people who are losing weight choose to eat. However, avocado is also a fruit

How to eat grilled pork to stay healthy and not fatten

Grilled pork is a very popular buffet food because there is a wide variety of food to choose from, it tastes delicious, the sauce is tasty and the price is cheap. Many people like to invite their friends or family to eat grilled pork. However,

Research has found that jumping rope can reduce the risk

Did you know? Exercising doesn’t require a lot of equipment. Just a single jumping rope and a pair of sports shoes can help you have a good body and reduce your risk of various diseases, especially heart disease. Here are some tips on how to

Eating sweets before bed increases the risk of premature aging

Sleeping problems are an important issue that should not be overlooked. Eating before bed is prohibited, especially sweets. Because in addition to damaging your health, it also causes nightmares! Sweets can be refreshing and help improve your mood, but eating them too often is definitely

Symptoms of depression that need immediate treatment

  Depression is a psychiatric illness that threatens people around the world. The symptoms can be so severe that they may even think of committing suicide. Let’s check the symptoms and find out how to treat them.  Major depressive disorder is the most common psychiatric illness.