What factors increase the risk of diabetes?

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What factors increase the risk of diabetes?

There are many risk factors that cause diabetes. Part of it comes from genetics that is passed on from generation to generation. Until it comes to the matter of daily life that we may not have paid attention to or forgotten. Let’s see ufabet https://ufabet999.com what factors there are.

  • A matter of genetics As I said at the beginning, people who have immediate family, whether they are father, mother, siblings, or siblings who are of the same pregnancy, have diabetes. We, the next generation, have a higher risk of developing diabetes than the general population.
  • People who are obese and overweight As a result, various cells insulin resistance
  • Not exercising or exercise irregularly Because exercise will help us control our weight. It also helps various cells Sensitive to the use of sugar It also helps with the metabolism of blood sugar well.
  • matter of race There is information that people of certain races have higher rates of diabetes than people of other nations. For example, Asians and blacks are more likely to suffer from diabetes than people of other nationalities.
  • matter of age The older you get The chances of having diabetes are increasing accordingly. That may come from the deterioration of the pancreatic cell function. or lack of exercise
  • Having high blood fat
  • Having high blood pressure

Complications caused by diabetes

Diabetes is considered a chronic disease that changes the walls of blood vessels. Resulting in hardening or narrowing of the blood vessels. If blood vessels in any organ of the body become hard or narrow, it will cause disease in that organ. As can be seen, diabetes is the starting point that causes complications in every system, including the nervous system, eyes, kidneys, kidneys, heart and blood vessels, skin, and mouth, etc.

Symptoms of people with diabetes

If discussed in general terms, the symptoms of people with diabetes include frequent urination. Have lost weight, often feel hungry, and sometimes feel tired. This is due to high blood sugar. Now let’s take a look a little deeper at what additional symptoms people with diabetes can show.

In normal people who do not have diabetes, before eating breakfast their blood sugar level will be only 70 – 110 mg%. After eating breakfast for about 2 hours, their blood sugar level will not exceed 70 – 110 mg%. 140 mg%, which with low sugar levels may not show any symptoms. For the diagnosis of diabetes, it can be done by drawing blood. There are symptoms that are commonly found as follows:

People who don’t have diabetes usually don’t get up to urinate in the middle of the night. Or urinate a lot, not more than 1 time. When the sugar level in the bloodstream exceeds 180 mg%, the sugar will be excreted through the urine. This causes frequent urination and loss of fluid. You may also find that your own urine contains ants.

People with diabetes are often thirsty. This is due to the need to replace water that the body excretes through urine.

Have symptoms of fatigue Weight loss occurs because the body is unable to use available sugar. Therefore, the protein and fat parts were decomposed.

Patients are often hungry and eat well. But on the contrary Body weight will continue to decrease. It occurs because the body is unable to use sugar for energy. Therefore, energy is broken down from fat and protein from muscles instead.

Other symptoms that may found include infection, slow healing of wounds, or itching in various parts of the body. Itching occurs on the skin. have a fungal infection Especially in the vaginal area of ​​women. As for other causes The cause of itching may be caused by skin that is too dry. or have inflammation of the skin. blurry vision Blurred vision to the point of having to change glasses frequently. This may be due to vision changes such as nearsightedness, cataracts, or high blood sugar.

Numbness in various parts occurs. No sensation, pain in the arms and legs, erectile dysfunction. due to long-term high blood sugar levels As a result, the nerves become deteriorated. It’s easy to get foot ulcers. Because I don’t have feelings. Vomiting may occur.