Solskjaer has responded to suspicions of a penalty shootout

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Manchester United manager Ole Gunnar Solskjaer has responded to suspicions of a penalty shootout following the arrival of Cristiano Ronaldo.

Solskjaer has responded to suspicions of a penalty shootout

Portugal midfielder Bruno Fernandes was previously in charge of the penalty shoot-out, but Cristiano Ronaldo’s return to the team has led many to consider the hand position. Killing a 12-yard still shot could go to the former Real Madrid player.

Solcha said of this story. “I have spoken to both of them and they know my position. They knew I had made up my mind who would take the shot if we got the penalty. That wouldn’t be a problem.”

“We are here to win together. It’s not about my stats or yours. It is about us as a team and the decision is mine.”

“We have two players I can count on in the penalty shootout and that’s a good thing,” Solskjaer added.